Sunday, October 09, 2005

Make that Search Engine Purrrrr!

SEO Chat had a really unique article on RSS Feeds and Mod_rewrites to add Classified Listings on your web sight. I went on to try what I read in the article, and developed it to work on my own sight.
It actually looks impressive, and hoping even more impressive to search engines robots like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Teoma, etc. Roger Stringer’s article is excellent only if you have first hand experience with php scripting language. "Using RSS Feeds and Mod_rewrite to add Classified Listings on your Website", but if you dig deep enough, or read what I had to do to get it to work then you to can incorporate this magnificent working wonder to your web sight. The first and most important step is to make sure you have php scripting language enabled on your host. The part that Roger did not emphasize is that his php script, and ".htaccess" file needed to be included in your home page directory. Once these are in place and complete. All I had to do was to change ".htaccess" file permission with my host to get it to work. Please visit my web sight at:
Please feel free to leave as many comments as you would like about this article, or you can email Chuck Widdop at Happy browsing to you on my web sight.

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